The Story Reading Ape visits the Tarn…

Come sit in the garden…

Today I’m very excited and honoured to be invited on that great blog for readers and writers, The Story Reading Ape. Chris Graham is Chief Ape, and here’s how he describes himself:

My literature Hero is Terry Pratchett who, in one of his Science of Discworld books, postulated that Homo Sapiens Sapiens survived all the pitfalls that made other Homo Sapiens species become extinct, by being story telling apes.

If this is the case, then in order to be effective, for every story telling ape there had to be a story listening ape.

I am descended from them, except I read stories instead of listening to them; and authors are the tellers of the stories I read.

I don’t so much read books as devour them, (sometimes re-devouring them several times), so I’ve set myself a long term task, to list all the books I’ve ever read on Goodreads – trouble is I’ve got the memory of a sieve and I must have read thousands of them!”

Apart from his interviews with authors and links to free e-books, there’s so much more on Chris’s site, including dozens of posts about writing.  I’d like to re-blog his article, but as followers of my blog will know  only too well, I’m a non-techie, or a ‘TechnoKlutz’, in the words of blogger Loretta Livingstone. So as I can’t figure out how to re-blog the piece, here’s the introductory paragraph, plus a link to the full article.

Merci beaucoup Chris!

The Story Reading Ape at home

Meet Guest Author, Laurette Long…

Hello readers, I’m Laurette Long, author of The French Summer Novels and I’m writing this sitting in a garden full of rosemary and lavender, admiring the sun slipping behind the hilltop village across the valley and waiting for the nightingale to tune up. Before it gets dark I might stroll down the field to pick a handful of figs–making sure to stamp loudly to warn any sleeping snakes. Where am I? Sometimes I have to pinch myself. They say Life’s a journey. How did that journey take me from a council house in west Yorkshire to a hamlet in south-west France?

6 thoughts on “The Story Reading Ape visits the Tarn…”

  1. “Committed francophiles” indeed, and very welcomed by your french south-western friends. You know that, don’t you? And always looking forward to read your blogs. Thank you, dear you.

    1. Ah Miette, warm words as usual, yes, our friends in the south-west hold a very special place in our heart, what would we do without them? In fact it’s time we got together to raise a glass to each other, n’est-ce pas? 😉 xxx

    1. Thank you Chris! And renewed thanks for featuring me on your blog, wonderful opportunity, particularly for Indies like myself.
      May the story reading ape live long and prosper 😉

  2. I loved the piece you wrote Laurette, so evocative! We often ponder on how we settled in our corner of France and the series of happenings and happenstance that brought us here. As an avowed agnostic I can only say that Fate(?) moves in a mysterious way. Like you absolulutely no regrets from two more committed francophiles.

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