Aux armes, Bookworms!

Rouget de Lisle singing the Marseillaise.
Isidore Pils [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
We bookworms are peaceful creatures, caring and sharing, communicating our joy and enthusiasm for a good read via book blogs, book clubs and book reviews. One of the biggest platforms for reviews is Amazon (where many bookworms spend zillions buying their fodder). But Amazon has recently introduced a rule which, like Rouget de Lisle singing the Marseillaise, has got us rampant. May is a month for revolutions. Even a worm can turn.

Today I’m reblogging an excellent post from author/blogger Barb Taub, of great relevance to all book lovers who buy from Amazon and leave reviews on their site.  This is something I do myself: it helps other readers and of course helps the author (and as an Indie author I can tell you those reviews are important ). My  policy is to leave a review on various sites-Amazon US (com) Amazon UK, Amazon France etc. But two days ago I tried to leave a review on the US site and it was refused. Why? because Amazon has a new rule, as Barb explains in her blog: ”You must have spent at least $50 on in the past 12 months’ in order to leave a review.’

What???? So customers like myself, who since 2007 have spent thousands of euros (I live in France) on Amazon products, not to mention the Maître de Maison, who is on Amazon Prime and whose credit card is even more dented than mine, are now being told we have to spend $50 on the US site just for the privilege of being able to review, for absolutely free, a book bought from another Amazon site? As one commentator, S. K. Nicholls, said ‘Amazon won’t post a paid review…but demand payment for your RIGHT to review.’

Catch 22

This is clearly nonsense.  It becomes even more nonsensical when Amazon won’t let you buy something on its US site, but re-directs you to the country where you live. I am a member of the excellent Kindle Unlimited scheme whereby I pay 9.99€ per month to ‘borrow’ 10 e-books at any one time  but see on the left what happens if I go to the US site to browse? Talk about Catch 22…

Here’s what Barb Taub says:

An open letter to Amazon:

Dear Amazon,

I should be your Holy Grail. I’m the real deal, an actual reader who goes through books carefully, thinks about what they mean and how they’re written, and then writes a considered, thoughtful, and hopefully helpful analysis—in other words, I’m a book reviewer.

Writers, potential customers, publishers, and oh yes—you, Amazon—should be jumping for joy and giving thanks that I’ve taken hours to read and yet more hours to craft reviews for hundreds of books. Instead, Amazon, you’ve decided to punish reviewers like me.

In the name of discouraging “fake” reviews, your new policy requires reviewers like me to spend $50 on Amazon’s US site and even more, £40 on Amazon UK before I can share my review. Have you thought about other solutions, or the effect this will have on legitimate reviewers?

The full article is here: do please read it and add your voice to the protest by sharing and commenting.

Don’t throw out the baby! Why #Amazon doesn’t want your #BookReviews

Get rampant! Join the protest by reblogging/commenting on Barb’s post.


2 thoughts on “Aux armes, Bookworms!”

  1. Sorry to hear about your review. 🙁 I’ve read that this went into effect a while ago, but I haven’t run into a problem. My account is the same on the U.S., UK, and Germany’s Amazon sites. We buy from, not the U.S. and I’ve recently posted a review on the U.S. site. I’m wondering if my account being the same across the board has something to do with it. I’ll be on the lookout.

    1. It all seems a bit mysterious, but I then tried to post on the UK site, and it was refused too, I checked and haven’t spent the £40 they ask for on that site (it’s $50 on the US site!). No problems posting on the French site – I buy most stuff via that, and in any case am in KU which is 9.99 € per month. It will be interesting to see how things continue for you from the .de account. Barb Taub’s blog is still getting lots of comments, so more and more readers/reviewers are now experiencing the problem. Thanks for sharing Denise 😉

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